
Simplemente disfrutar del impresionante entorno en Tanzania, es con el tiempo, algo de lo que no debemos arrepentirnos. Hay excursiones de varios días, visitas massai, recorridos en bicicleta. Solo háganos saber sus sueños y trataremos de ayudarlo a aprovechar al máximo Tanzania.


Just enjoying the stunning environment in Tanzania, is with time, something nothing to regret. There are multiple day excursions, massai visits, bicycle tours. Just let us know your dreams and we will try to help you to get the most of Tanzania.


The coasts and the islands in Tanzania are just paradisiacal. Zanzibar, Pemba, Mafia, Kipangani, Peponi and Tanga are just some examples. Blue turquoise water and white sand beaches with reggae vibes are perfect spots to chill and have a good time. Diving in these waters is something you should experience too!

Kigoma is on the shore of Lake Tanganika where you can enjoy private beaches, traditional fishing, kayaking and if you have the time you can take the MV Liemba Boat which is still sailing the Lake Tanganyika. MV Liemba was built in 1913 in Germany, and was one of three vessels the German Empire used to control Lake Tanganyika during the early part of the First World War. You can sail all the way to Zambia and visit the Victoria Waterfalls just like Livingstone!


Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro NP, Tarangire, Arusha N.P and Lake Manyara are some of the game parks close to Moshi. Katavi NP is very close to Kigoma, as well as Ngombe NP where you can actually be with Chimpanzees. The experience of enjoying wild life and the incredible sunrises and sunsets are highly recommended. We can help you to organize these so you enjoy the experience.